The CIASP Constitution, in its
present state, was written at the leadership conference of 1965. Perhaps the
most exciting document is the Preamble, a cooperative effort of the students
there to crystallize their goals and vision for CIASP.
CIASP Constitution Preamble
The members
of the Conference on Inter‑American Student Projects have taken on the
responsibility of a Christian organization, whose
primary purpose is community development and personal growth.
‑‑ CIASP's Inter‑American summer work projects are initiated
and administered by students, with the advice of chaplains and volunteer lay
‑‑ We are engaged in the rapidly accelerating movement of
discovering and defining mankind. Throughout the world men
are awakening, especially to their mutual responsibilities and inter‑dependence.
As Christians involved in this process, it is our role to assert the primacy of
love in all of man's relationships.
‑‑ To fulfill this responsibility an organization is needed which
has both unity and cooperation as its points of reference. CIASP is a Catholic
movement which welcomes into its ranks other Christians and all who are willing
to live in a Christian Student community and respect its principles.
DEVELOPMENT ‑‑ The community we enter and the friendships we make
demand a permanent commitment to the movement and its development. Moreover,
the development of man in the modern world is synonymous with the development
of society. Both in ourselves and in others, we must develop an awareness that
man does not act as an isolated individual but as an integral member of his
community. Focusing attention on
the dynamics of inter‑American development, we strive to act as
communities of students, working among people as catalysts as they develop
their powers of communal decision and action.
GROWTH‑‑In all of our work we are concerned with developing the
individual's potentialities for a full, authentic (Christian) life. Our
essential task is to achieve deeper contacts and more personal encounters.
Sharing the life of people with differing languages, cultures and educational
backgrounds means meeting one another specifically and essentially as persons.
It means breaking through the masks of language, money, and education ‑‑
learning to discover that essential humanity into which we are all born.
Then, having
made this breakthrough and this discovery, we are able to return to our home
community, and discover in our companions there, a humanity and a basis of
friendship we had never before realized.
Our work is
directed towards becoming rich through personal contact by becoming poor. Poor,
in the sense of emptying our persons, emptying our minds of facile stereotypes,
and emptying our hearts of self‑centered attachments.
CIPE is an international movement of structurally
independent entities bonded together in one community by the common ideals
stated in the preamble.
1. The name of this organization shall be
a) in Spanish: Coordinacion
Internacional de Proyectos Estudiantiles (CIPE)
b) In English: Conference of Inter‑American
Student Projects (CIASP)
c) In French: Conference Etudiante
des Projects Inter‑Americains (CEPIA)
2. The
symbol of this organization shall be the Western Hemisphere with two crouching
figures in black on a background of North and South America in green. The
emblem shall say Co-ordinacion Internacional de Proyectos Estudiantiles
3. Relations between member
entities shall be provided for through a minimum of twice yearly, meetings to
include the Mexican Director. One meeting shall be held in Mexico City, the
second to be held outside of Mexico. These meetings are to be called at the
discretion of the Chairman
4. The International By‑Laws
and Preamble may be revised upon the mutual agreement of the Chairman.